The process of the design of the theater went from macro to micro starting with the architecture of the stage for the opera, Ainadamar. While, the design for the theater speaks to the tradition of tropical design on the campus of U.M. The theater strives to create a symbol for the campus but also respect the rich building tradition of the university. The combination of a concrete screen and light base allow for a welcoming and open feel to the design.
“The artist, and particularly the poet, is always an anarchist in the best sense of the word. He must heed only the call that arises within him from three strong voices: the voice of death, with all its foreboding, the voice of love and the voice of art.”
Frederico Garcia Lorca
This study attempts to look at various options and ideas for a small house in the village of Kent, Connecticut. The design will be in a modern language with a firm base in local context. In an attempt to create an atmosphere of relaxation and privacy, the design will use simple materials and have a connection with the natural site.
Designed on lush and beautiful island of Grenada, Le Tropical Jardin attempts to create an exclusive luxury resort. A main focus of the design is the connection between the build and natural environment of the island. The design of the resorts cottages allow for user to feel secluded and relaxed and become one with the natural setting around them.
I close my eyes to find a place
In different time and different space
And in imagination find
A cloistered arbour for my mind
Where thought may there be unconfined
Then in my dreams a path I take
As in a trance, yet wide awake,
To see the world with open eyes
Its glist`ning sands and azure skies -
I take a walk through Paradise
Valerie Dohren
The idea of Smart Cities, where buildings are combined with state of the art tech, was introduced into the Miami Design District. Through the design of three separate sites, this project attempted to create a new typology and economy based on 3d printing. This new circular economy based on reuse, would allow people to bring objects that could be recycled and turn them into 3d printed objects.
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing–and keeping the unknown always beyond you.”
Georgia O’Keeffe
The I.D.E.A lab at The University of Miami attempted to create a program where faculty, students and the public could collaborate on projects of their choosing. Through the creation of modern co working spaces, the building hoped to create not just innovations but innovators for the future.
“Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress”
-Tedd Levitt
This project, situated along the Miami River, allowed for a multitude of interesting design considerations. The main focus was to relate to the vernacular history of the river and create a program that would attract people from the community. Through the creation of a light facade and forced views through the building a single gestural form was created.
I sing of far isles in the crystalline blue
Where the air ever whispers of May;
Where the seas ever glow with a phosphorent hue
Round the ships that are waiting alway;
Where the skies are ablaze with a slumberous haze
And the clouds,—like the barques of a Fay—
Are hanging becalmed in the odorous maze
As the sails on an enchanted bay.
And the land is sunk deep in a languishing sleep,
And in dreams of an Age Far-Away.
George E Merrick
Situated along the banks of the Miami River, the fish market speaks to the history of the Native Americans that lived there. Graphics of Native American Floridians tribes are used to tell a story on the facade. The plan is laid out to allow for special moments of contemplation and discovery of program throughout the site.
“There is a powerful need for symbolism, and that means the architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart. There is a powerful need for symbolism, and that means the architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart.”
Kenzo Tange
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